What you need to know about interrupts

If you are from my generation or older, you remember the wonderful days of manually configuring hardware by using jumpers and then connecting the hardware to the ISA bus on a computer. Before I got my first PC, I owned a more user friendly system(an Atari 65XE), so new hardware was magically configured. Well theContinue reading “What you need to know about interrupts”

The so called userspace

Most people have heard the term userspace and most people have a grasp of what it means, but why is it called userspace and what is it? To understand the name we need to go back to the core and look at the architecture of a CPU. Most processors, including most microcontrollers, have two modesContinue reading “The so called userspace”

Computer memory from the ground up (part 1)

Disclaimer This is an introductory post about how memory and CPU work together. Thus I have simplified some concepts and skipped over others in order to keep this post easy to follow. If you are an specialist and work developing OS, bootloaders or BSPs, then you will find this content very basic. In these daysContinue reading “Computer memory from the ground up (part 1)”