Typical use cases for Kafka

In my previous post I explained the main components of a Kafka system. In this post I will explain some of the typical use cases where Kafka is used. By typical I do not mean that all systems built on top of Kafka follow these patterns, only that these use cases are wildly used. BeforeContinue reading “Typical use cases for Kafka”

Data streaming with Apache Kafka

Data streaming is becoming more and more important, and hardly a new project is started without having at least considered data streaming as a solution or part of the solution. Apache Kafka is a messaging system that has become extremely popular and is the top choice for data streaming nowadays. This post goes into whatContinue reading “Data streaming with Apache Kafka”

Introduction to data stream processing

This article is a short introduction, not a deep dive. If you would like to have a deep dive to stream processing do not hesitate to leave a comment or use the contact form. Data stream processing is very popular these days. Everybody talks about Kafka, RabbitMQ, Spark structured streaming and other technologies, but whatContinue reading “Introduction to data stream processing”